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I help motivated women recovering from past relationships with toxic partners,
 Go from blaming themselves to trusting themselves,

Stop people pleasing and regain their voice,
Learn to find their passions and love themselves again,

and finally stop the toxic cycle so they can have a healthy relationship.


Licensed Clinical Therapist


If you have been in a relationship with a narcissist, you likely lived in a state of constant worry, fear and uncertainty.   Have you also:

  • Felt like the problem & like you ruin everything?

  • Wondered if you were "crazy" or questioned your sense of reality?

  • Struggled with feeling isolated from friends/ family?

  • Felt like you gave up everything for your ex?

  • Felt like you are a magnet for toxic, manipulative partners?

  • Struggled with self-esteem and comparing yourself to others?

  • Taken responsibility for everything that went wrong, and tried to "fix" them?

  • Dismissed or ignored red flags?

  • Justified their behavior, especially to friends and family?

  • Found yourself staying in unhealthy relationships long after you "knew" you should?

  • Been unable to speak your mind, or ask for what you want/need?

  • Been in a cycle of toxic relationships?

  • Prioritized your partner at the expense of yourself?

And are you now:

  • Struggling to figure out who you are and what you like?

  • Constantly saying "yes"  because you don't know how to say no?

  • Unable to give yourself forgiveness and compassion (though you have plenty for others)?

  • Your own worst critic?

  • Distrustful of yourself and feel like you can't do anything right?

  • Afraid of being alone but also desperately afraid to trust anyone again?

  • Allowing people to walk all over you, and over committing yourself?

  • Convinced that you are destined to make terrible choices forever?

Well, I've got great news.

You don't HAVE to be stuck here, in this place of self-doubt, fear and shame forever. 

You CAN get to a place where you accept and love yourself.

If you have read the self-help books, listened to the podcasts, gone to therapy, tried the DIY way, and you are still struggling to find peace and healing, I can help!

It is possible to rebuild a life you love after a toxic relationship.

We are resilient by nature, but when we have experienced trauma (either from our childhood and/or from a toxic relationship), it becomes more difficult to believe we are even worthy of happiness.

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Being able to have a healthy relationship, and feeling respected & loved.

Feeling able to accept love without always questioning their motives, or self-sabotaging.

Learning the WHY behind staying in your past relationship(s) far longer than you knew you "should", so you can break the cycle.

Enjoying things again; friends, family, hobbies, new experiences.  Re-learning who you are.

Feeling confident setting boundaries, saying "No" and making yourself a priority.

The lightness and relief that comes with relieving yourself of the shame, the blame, and finally forgiving yourself.

What would that be worth

to you? 

To me, it was invaluable!

Many women are stuck in the fear mindset that they aren't capable of healthy relationships. 

REALITY:  I help you learn how to get UN-STUCK.  How to reframe your thinking from "I'm the problem", to "I was with someone who exhibited problematic behavior, and I can learn to recognize it for what it was, and learn to love myself and stand up for myself so I never have to experience that again."

THAT'S where we begin our healing journey! 

We're not taking responsibility for the mind games, the manipulation, the abuse.

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I help you relieve yourself of blame while simultaneously acknowledge & challenge the beliefs that allowed you to STAY.


You can try therapy; maybe you have! 

And I think therapy is great (I am a therapist!), but often times therapy works backward instead of focusing on the here & now, and the "how do we move forward?" 


Which is where YOU likely are.


If you're anything like I was, you probably want to figure out how to "fix" it so you can "get better".  Healing requires investment. 


An investment into our own wellness; a commitment to focus on yourself.  If you're THERE... in that place where you are tired of trying to DIY your healing journey, haven't had the success you wanted through therapy, have exhausted the support of friends and family, and still feel like you need help healing, you're in the right place!

They say the best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago. 

The next best time is NOW. 
If NOW is the time for you, let's get started.

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