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My Story

Hi!  I'm so glad to welcome you here. 

I'm Christie Anderson; LCSW trauma therapist & Relationship Coach.


Also, Mom, Wife, Author, Advocate... it really just depends on the day (and who's asking!)

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An incredibly proud version of me after conquering an aerial treetop ropes course that I had been afraid to do for years!

My passion is helping women rebuild their self-esteem & take back their voice. 

I have been helping women in and out of abusive or toxic relationships / home environments for the past 20 years.  

I realized I loved the part where I saw the transformation, from surviving to THRIVING.   That's where I help women grow and that's where I find my own strength.


I got my undergraduate degree in Criminal Justice, fully expecting to become Olivia Benson and heal the world 1 "perp" at a time.  But when my first graduate school internship landed me at a sexual assault support center,

I realized my calling as a healer.  

In the earlier part of my career I struggled with managing my own insecurities, Imposer Syndrome, and never feeling worthy. Around this time I was diagnosed with cancer.  I had a 1 year old, and was very unhappy in my marriage.  While I was in radiation isolation treatment (a week of absolute solitude really gives you a chance to reassess your life), I realized that the work I had been doing with my clients; building up their confidence, empowering them to prioritize themselves, understanding toxic relationships, helping them to embrace their voice....

should have really been said to myself in a mirror. 


I had been focusing so much on helping others heal themselves, that I had neglected to help myself.


I realized that I had learned to minimize myself, stop prioritizing my wants/needs and had

allowed toxic people in my life to write my inner dialogue.


It sounded a lot like this:

"I screw up everything in my life!"

"I can't do anything right!"

"I am sick and tired of being walked all over and never being able to say NO!"

"Why am I such a terrible partner?"
















Me and James Legoland.jpg

NOW, I am happily re-married and I'm reminded every day that relationships can be healthy.  I work hard every day at showing up as the best person, wife, therapist, coach & mom I can be, and can finally give myself a healthy dose of self-compassion when I lose my ish (because, kids).  But I am also much more self-aware of how my own experiences showed up for me in overwhelming self-blame, guilt and shame.

I can say "NO", instead of agreeing to everything.

I am not afraid to let my opinions be heard.

I believe I have valuable input, and deserve good things.

I don't blame myself for everything that goes wrong.

I learned to edit the critical voice in my head, embraced confidence, and boosted my self esteem.

I understand the dynamics of power, control and narcissism, and have learned that my internal dialogue was a reflection of them, not of myself.


If I can learn this, you can too.

In my private practice I work with adults who have experienced trauma.

Here, I help women who have experienced narcissistic "love".

I help them find themselves, their voice, their confidence and their path.


I would be honored to help you too!

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