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Client Testimonials

*Names and abbreviations have been changed for privacy

"I grew up in a toxic environment and always knew I didn't want to replay those patterns with my partners. But I didn't know how to avoid it.

I have been in therapy for years to address the trauma and it's been helpful in healing from the flashbacks and learning skills.


But I was still cycling through awful relationships and feeling like they were my fault.


Working with Christie helped me to recognize patterns in my thinking, and stop sabotaging potentially good things because I was afraid.

I AM SO WORTHY of the life I want, and I know now that my past does not define me."

- *Miranda, GA


Cozy Winter

""Christie has been invaluable helping me learn from my unhealthy relationship(s).  

I kept finding partners who treated me badly, because that's how I treated myself.

She *GETS* it,

and is so patient and knowledgeable; I have really  been able to move past the point where I blamed myself and I finally feel hopeful about my future.  


-*Gail, NJ

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Cozy Winter

"I left my marriage feeling like I won the lottery.  I even celebrated my divorce-aversary.

But even though I was "out", I wasn't happy.  I lived with the fear that I had failed my kids.  My ex had convinced me that I was a terrible mother, could never find a better partner, and made me question every decision I made.  I lived in a constant state of anxiety.

I started working with Christie and went through her Reclaiming You course and coaching program. 

It helped me learn so much about myself.

I felt like I really understood not only how narcissists work, but also so much about myself.  I have been able to really work on my own healing, setting boundaries with people in my life, and feel SO much stronger! 

I can't recommend her program enough!


-*Ann Marie, NY


Cozy Winter

"I left an abusive marriage ten years ago.  It was never physical, and I struggled with understanding that it was really abuse, even when my emotional wounds always felt so much more raw than any physical could.  

I made a career for myself, and I am skilled at what I do.  I could never understand why, despite my awards and nominations, I never felt I deserved to be in the same room with my colleagues.  


It's true that you internalize what you hear, and I heard that I was stupid, undesirable and unsuccessful.  And that's how I believed.  When I came to Christie, it's because even with my professional strength, my personal side needed to believe I was worthy. 




I re-learned how to love myself. 



I knew that it was affecting my children, and that no one was going to build me up better than I could do it myself.  And I am so grateful and thankful for her patience and understanding that brought me lightyears from where I was."


-*Nicole, NJ


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